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Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Vote_lcap89%Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Vote_rcap 89% [ 66 ]
Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Vote_lcap11%Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Vote_rcap 11% [ 8 ]

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Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010)

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Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Empty Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010)

Mensaje por AustralMixing Lun Sep 06, 2010 2:01 am

Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Max-cagliero-tit

Max Cagliero from Argentina was finalist of the Heineken Thirst Contest in 2006 with his ex duo Electrobios, playing along Roger Sanchez and Eric Morillo.

After that he went for a solo career and had the chance of sharing his eclectic minimal disco house on some of the most renowned dancefloors in the region such as CHA CHA (Bogota, Colombia) , MINT (Buenos Aires, Argentina), PACHA (Buenos Aires, Argentina), MUSEUM (Sao Paulo, Brasil), UNDERGROUND (Barranquilla, Colombia), DEEP (Caracas, Venezuela), WISH (Sao Paulo, Brasil), UVA (Barranquilla, Colombia), CONFRARIA DAS ARTES (Florianopolis, Brasil), MOINHO (Passo Fundo, Brasil), TARGET (Guaruja, Brasil) and many more.
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Max Cagliero @ Austral Mixing Radioshow (SEPT2010) Max-cagliero-itunes

PD: Friday/Viernes 10/9 - Alex Zeta Paul & Max Cagliero @ Jet Lounge Bs.As. (Alternative Room)

Cantidad de envíos : 32
Edad : 38
Lugar de residencia : Buenos Aires
Actividades : House Radio Show
Estilos Favoritos de M.E. : House, Funky, Progressive, Deep, Tech
Fecha de inscripción : 15/06/2010

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